Sunday, November 1, 2020

Drawing Parallels From Your Gardening

There is an interesting parallel between writing and gardening! While gardening, we use our senses to observe how each of the plants are thriving, which plants need more nourishment, which are being overwatered, what is the planting cycle, which soil and climatic conditions suit them best and what plants can be grown as companions.

Trimming trees, planting saplings, removing the weeds - is quite similar to what one does while writing! Just as you take control and make your own decisions regarding what plants need to be trimmed, what can be retained and which ones to weed out while gardening, so it applies in your writing! Each choice of words, each punctuation makes a difference to the way the words are threaded to make a cohesive whole.

Do you garden? What does your garden teach you that you can use in your writing?